- I think not to have a man inside the house. 我想屋里没有人。
- Are we being fair to the government? I think not. 我想,这样的想法,有欠公平。
- I think not only do unexpected things. 我认为只有想不到的没有做不到的事情。
- Coincidence??I think not!! G's space!! 此共享空间没有音乐列表。
- "Nay, I think not so," rejoined the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale. “不,我看不必了,”丁梅斯代尔牧师先生接口说。
- "Nay, I think not so," rejoined the Reverend Mr.Dimmesdale. "不,我看不必了,"丁梅斯代尔牧师先生接口说。"
- Failure) A collector of ogre teeth? Ha, I think not. 失败)收集食人魔的牙?哈,我可不信。
- I think not only is it an exciting time, it's one that we'll all benefit from. 我只有想不是它令人兴奋的时间,我们决意所有的利益人就是一从。
- But i think not only for money but also or especially for influence. 我不仅是为了钱,更重要的是影响。
- Anthony Hope: I think there's been some mistake.Judge Turpin: I think not. 特平法官:你的话是没有意义的,记住我的脸!
- I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。
- I think so; in fact, I am quite sure. 我想如此,事实上我非常确信。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- His wife is also said to have told Princess Anne: "Do call me Cherie." Her frosty reply: "I think not, actually. 据说他的妻子曾对安妮公主说:“叫我查理就行。”公主冷淡地说:“我想就不必了。
- Luke: It was fine until the doctor started poking at it, coincidence, I think not. 路克:医生开始摸他的时候,他就受不住了。是巧合吗?我想不是。
- I think this is their house but I'm not sure. 我想这是他们家,但不敢肯定。
- Is it ever possible for capital punishment to be seen as anything loftier than state sanctioned revenge?I think not. 死刑有可能被视为比国家允许复仇地位更高吗?我不这样认为。
- Supposing that you came into a drawing-room where you were having tea, do you think you would recognize yourself as an individuality? I think not. 比如,你走进一家客厅去喝茶,你敢说你便能认得这个人就是你自己吗?我看不一定。
- I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat. 我看这含漱剂可以治你的喉痛。